On the Bitcoin Takeover podcast you're going to hear the builders and innovators who make the Bitcoin project valuable. It's thanks to their work that the BTC price goes up, and it's their efforts that convince large investors that Bitcoin is the future of money. Here you will find the projects and ideas that will radically improve Bitcoin in the future, presented by the creators and innovators themselves. Time to learn!
RSS Apple Podcasts Bitcoin Takeover Website Spotify YouTube Fountain.fm2025-01-16
John Light is a researcher who specializes in bringing Zero Knowledge cryptography to supplement Bitcoin's limitations in scalability & privacy. With ZK rollups, Bitcoin stands a better chance to onboard 8 billion people onto trust-minimized layer 2s.
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Bitcoin OG Charlie Shrem is now the chief evangelist of a project called Digital Gold (DGD). In this episode, I ask him and his business partner Digital Gold Yoda all the important questions about the legitimacy of their new cryptocurrency.
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BulletProofs++, Full Chain Membership Proofs, Shielded Client Side Validation, ZK SNARKs, Alpen Labs' Strata... these are only a few of the projects to which Liam Eagen contributed. He is one of the most prolific cryptographers around, give him a listen!
More Download2025-01-03
Mike Belshe is the co-founder and CEO of BitGo. As a Bitcoin and internet pioneer, he has witnessed some of the most significant phenomena and can draw some really interesting parallels between the two complementary realms.
More Download2024-12-31
In this record-breaking episode, whose running time exceeds 7 hours, Amir Taaki immerses us in his vast knowledge of arts & science. He covers everything from Bitcoin development to building DarkFi, plus his fascination with math & dinosaurs.
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Jeff Garzik is a legendary Bitcoin developer: the first big blocker, who proposed a capacity increase to 7 MB back in October 2010, and one of the first people in the world to understand that building bridges between blockchains is the future.
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Just a few days before officially revealing the new Passport Prime hardware wallet, I challenged Foundation Devices CEO Zach Herbert to convince me to replace my faithful Trezor Model T with his company's new device. Did he succeed? Let's find out!
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Recently, LayerTwo Labs CEO Paul Sztorc has come up with an interesting scheme to upgrade Bitcoin: it's called CUSF (Core Untouched Soft Forks) and it puts the miners in control, in order to bypass the Bitcoin Core bureaucracy. Will it work, though?
More Download2024-11-28
Rocelo Lopes is one of the most prominent bitcoiners in Brazil and Latin America. In this episode, which we recorded in a gym and call a "gymcast", he talks about self-custody advice and envisions the future of peer to peer internet money.
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Lately, Jameson Lopp has expressed some particularly interesting opinions which are in line with the OG bitcoiner goals, but oppose the school of thought that investors such as Michael Saylor promote. In this episode, we talk about it all.
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