Bitcoin Takeover Podcast

On the Bitcoin Takeover podcast you're going to hear the builders and innovators who make the Bitcoin project valuable. It's thanks to their work that the BTC price goes up, and it's their efforts that convince large investors that Bitcoin is the future of money. Here you will find the projects and ideas that will radically improve Bitcoin in the future, presented by the creators and innovators themselves. Time to learn!

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S14 E6: Mike in Space on STAMPs & Attacking Bitcoin


Mike in Space is the creator of STAMPs: a protocol which inserts permanent data into Bitcoin blocks. STAMPs are mostly used to immortalize art on Bitcoin, but this use case is so heavily criticized by some community members that they call it an attack.

Mike in Space is the creator of STAMPs: a protocol which inserts permanent data into Bitcoin blocks. STAMPs are mostly used to immortalize art on Bitcoin, but this use case is so heavily criticized by some community members that they call it an attack.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 97.69 MB - Duration: 1:11:08m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)

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