On the Bitcoin Takeover podcast you're going to hear the builders and innovators who make the Bitcoin project valuable. It's thanks to their work that the BTC price goes up, and it's their efforts that convince large investors that Bitcoin is the future of money. Here you will find the projects and ideas that will radically improve Bitcoin in the future, presented by the creators and innovators themselves. Time to learn!
RSS Apple Podcasts Bitcoin Takeover Website Spotify YouTube Fountain.fm2022-09-28
Amir Taaki joined Bitcoin in late 2010, and is responsible for creating the BIP system, the first alternative Bitcoin client (libbitcoin), and the first privacy-focused wallet (DarkWallet). In this interview, he reflects on the early days of Bitcoin.
More Download2022-09-24
Electrum is the most feature-rich Bitcoin wallet, and creator Thomas Voegtlin has been adding improvements to it since 2011. Right now, Thomas is making the Lightning Network accessible with Trampoline nodes that don't need to be online 24/7.
More Download2022-08-21
After having had enough from the authoritarians, longtime bitcoiner Bruce Fenton has decided to take matters into his own hands and run for the US Senate to represent New Hampshire. In this interview, he explains why & gives us an insight of his platform
More Download2022-07-25
Recently, Peter Todd published a mathematical paper to explain how tail emission could work om Bitcoin. In this episode, he gets to explain why he thinks inflation is necessary to secure the Bitcoin network as the mining rewards get halved every 4 years.
More Download2022-07-20
As the CEO of Bitrefill, Sergej Kotliar has been offering a steady, predictable, reliable & seemingly-boring service for 7 years. However, Bitrefill is anything but boring: these days, the gift card company is trying to save the bankers & make NBA shoes!
More Download2022-07-12
Pavol Rusnak (Stick) is one of the most prolific contributors in the Bitcoin space. Since creating the Trezor hardware wallet with his friend Slush, he worked tirelessly to create open source standards that make using BTC more secure and private.
More Download2022-07-05
Joseph Tetek (SatsJoseph) is a well-known Bitcoin educator, author, and content producer from the Czech Republic. In this episode, he talks about his work at Satoshi Labs, some upcoming Trezor projects, and what it's like to promote Bitcoin in Czech.
More Download2022-06-28
Sodomak is a cryptoanarchist who formerly worked as the CTO of Paralelni Polis in Prague. In this interview, he talks about the philosophical values of Paralelni Polis, the cafe's origins, and how it provides Bitcoin education to every customer.
More Download2022-06-18
CommerceBlock CEO Nicholas Gregory is one of the engineering masterminds behind Mercury Wallet: a Bitcoin wallet which makes use of Statechains and provides privacy via CoinSwaps. In this interview, Nicholas talks about making bitcoin work as money.
More Download2022-06-07
Initially, extension blocks & Mimble Wimble were Bitcoin proposals for scalability & privacy. But now that Litecoin married the two with MWEB via soft fork, Charlie Lee explains if & how we can have this solution type of solution added into Bitcoin.
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