On the Bitcoin Takeover podcast you're going to hear the builders and innovators who make the Bitcoin project valuable. It's thanks to their work that the BTC price goes up, and it's their efforts that convince large investors that Bitcoin is the future of money. Here you will find the projects and ideas that will radically improve Bitcoin in the future, presented by the creators and innovators themselves. Time to learn!
RSS Apple Podcasts Bitcoin Takeover Website Spotify YouTube Fountain.fm2024-05-25
Marek Narozniak is a Polish physicist who works on a MimbleWimble implementation that can get added to Bitcoin via extension blocks to become a privacy layer. He also specializes in quantum computing, and busts some FUD about their threat.
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Eli Ben-Sasson is an academic computer scientist whose interest in zero-knowledge proofs has led him to become a co-founder of Zcash. More recently, he became the CEO of StarkWare: a company which aims to scale blockchains with ZK rollups & STARKs.
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OpenDelta is a synthetic dollar (stablecoin) that's built on top of Bitcoin's newly-launched Runes protocol. In this episode, co-founders Nick Schteringart & Konstantin Wünscher discuss about how and why they built this.
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MWEB was activated on Litecoin's main net in 2022, providing a useful mix of privacy and scalability. It's a fascinating soft fork that's 100% compatible with Bitcoin. In this episode, Charlie Lee explains how MWEB works & why it matters.
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David Bailey is the owner of Bitcoin Magazine. Ideologically, he is a Bitcoin maximalist who wants everything to happen on Bitcoin and get traded for BTC. During this episode, we also mint a special ordinal... which you can buy for 3.125 BTC!
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Aaron Day has been a bitcoiner since 2012 – and in the aftermath of the scaling wars, he decided to support the big block camp due to ideological reasons. Today, Aaron is concerned that adoption might not catch up with the rise of CBDCs.
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Ray Youssef is the CEO of NoOnes, a P2P marketplace which enables people from the Global South to exchange bitcoin for gift cards or local currencies. He believes in free market money and happens to agree with Roger Ver on some points.
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Charlie Lee is the creator of Litecoin and one of the earliest believers in the Lightning network – he also invests in Lightning Labs. In this episode, he explains why Litecoin is still relevant in a world where Lightning exists.
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Tomek Kolodziejczuk is the co-founder of the Bitcoin Film Fest: a festival which screens some of the greatest Bitcoin-related films in Warsaw, Poland. This year, the event coincides with the European Halving Party!
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Amoury Séchet (better known as Deadalnix) is the Bitcoin developer who created the BCH fork in 2017. A year later, he was also one of the first people to learn about the inflation bug in Bitcoin + he figured out CSW is not Satoshi really quick
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