On the Bitcoin Takeover podcast you're going to hear the builders and innovators who make the Bitcoin project valuable. It's thanks to their work that the BTC price goes up, and it's their efforts that convince large investors that Bitcoin is the future of money. Here you will find the projects and ideas that will radically improve Bitcoin in the future, presented by the creators and innovators themselves. Time to learn!
RSS Apple Podcasts Bitcoin Takeover Website Spotify YouTube Fountain.fm2024-02-02
Andrew Poelstra is a mathematician who heads the research department at Blockstream. Over the years, he experimented with many Bitcoin OP codes – some of which are also enabled on Liquid. In this episode, he explains why he likes and prefers OP_CAT.
More Download2024-01-20
Paul Sztorc returns with a twist: he can talk about sidechains, rollups, BitVM, Lightning + other scaling solutions... but can't say the words Drivechain or BIP 300. If he breaks the rule, he must send a Lightning transaction and drink vodka!
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Aaron van Wirdum is a veteran Bitcoin journalist who has been writing for Bitcoin Magazine since 2014. On January 3rd 2024, after nearly five years of working on this project, he launched The Genesis Book: a reflection on the history before Bitcoin.
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Nicolas Dorier talks about the early days of BTCPay Server, activating SegWit before it was cool on NBitcoin, contributing to TumbleBit, writing a book about coding Bitcoin projects in C#, and working with colored coins.
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Robin Linus revolutionized Bitcoin development in 2023 with BitVM: a virtual machine that can do off-chain computation for the purpose of enabling smart contracts. With it, Bitcoin can get trust minimized sidechains. But there are so many more uses cases!
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Agustin Kassis & Mariano are Argentinian bitcoiners who work in a Fight Club-style house to build La Wallet: a Lightning wallet which is associated with a Nostr account and enables users to have both a payments card and a digital identity device.
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Bitcoin & Friends was a pretty popular original cartoon back in 2019 and 2020. On January 3rd 2024, thanks to some major breakthroughs in animation software, the series is getting a reboot which takes the story to a whole new level. Stay tuned!
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Tuur Demeester is a prominent Bitcoin investor who strongly believes in the power of Bitcoin-only companies. In this episode, he explains how + why he invests in Bitcoin projects, suggests when market tops are reached & comments on the Supra Cycle.
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Kevin Loaec is the CEO of Wizardsardine – the Bitcoin company that builds Liana wallet, which optimizes for inheritance. In this episode, Kevin explains why miniscript matters & how he rates the most popular hardware wallets.
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Ryan Condron has been a Bitcoin miner for longer than a decade. He started out with a GPU rack, upgraded his rig to FPGAs, and then was one of the first people to run ASICs. Today, he aims to decentralize hashrate with Lumerin – a hashrate marketplace.
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