Bitcoin Takeover Podcast

On the Bitcoin Takeover podcast you're going to hear the builders and innovators who make the Bitcoin project valuable. It's thanks to their work that the BTC price goes up, and it's their efforts that convince large investors that Bitcoin is the future of money. Here you will find the projects and ideas that will radically improve Bitcoin in the future, presented by the creators and innovators themselves. Time to learn!

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S15 E7: Sergio Demian Lerner on Rootstock, Satoshi's Bitcoins, Drivechains via BitVM & Bitcoin Scaling


Sergio Demian Lerner has made a plethora of contributions to Bitcoin: from finding early security bugs, and all the way to designing + launching the 1st sidechain RSK. In this interview, he talks about his work & research – with a focus on the future.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 111 MB - Duration: 57:21m (259 kbps 44100 Hz)
S15 E6: John Light, Super Testnet & Alexei Zamyatin on Improving Bitcoin


John Light, Super Testnet, Alexei Zamyatin are part of the new generation of Bitcoin developers. They like zero knowledge proofs, they're opinionated when defending covenants & they are not afraid to look for breakthroughs beyond the Bitcoin research.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 111 MB - Duration: 57:21m (258 kbps 44100 Hz)
S15 E5: Edan Yago on Sovryn, Bitcoin DeFi & Challenging the Orthodoxy


Edan Yago talks about Sovryn: a financial application which allows users to take loans against their bitcoin. It's built on Rootstock (RSK, Bitcoin's first sidechain) and it conceptually goes against most mainstream narratives about what Bitcoin can do.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 74 MB - Duration: 38:20m (257 kbps 44100 Hz)
S15 E4: Alexis Roussel on Nym, Privacy & Suing the Swiss Financial Regulator


Alexis Roussel is a man of many talents, with plenty of accomplishments in his resume. But most notably, he is a bitcoiner who's working to build the Nym mixnet system and he's fighting for the rights of the individual in Switzerland.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 216 MB - Duration: 1:51:29m (259 kbps 44100 Hz)
S15 E3: Hernán Marino on Bitcoin in Argentina & Becoming a Bitcoin Core Developer


Hernán Marino is an Argentinian bitcoiner who recently started contributing to Bitcoin Core. In this episode, he talks about his views on Bitcoin maximalism, what it's like to be a bitcoiner in a hyperinflationary country, and his hopes for the future.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 94 MB - Duration: 48:55m (258 kbps 44100 Hz)
S15 E2: Sergi Delgado on Developing Bitcoin at Chaincode Labs


Sergi Delgado is an engineer at Chaincode Labs, whose specialization and previous academic research is in peer to peer (P2P) networks. In this episode, he talks about his views on existing proposals to improve Bitcoin.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 117 MB - Duration: 1:00:39m (258 kbps 44100 Hz)
S15 E1: Max Hillebrand & Lando Rothbardian on Integrating ShopInBit's "Buy Anything" Into Wasabi Wallet


Wasabi Wallet now offers a Buy Anything button that lets you buy physical items with greater privacy?! How does that even work? ZK Snacks CEO Max Hillebrand & ShopInBit CEO Lando Rothbardian join the show to explain everything about this integration.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 214 MB - Duration: 1:50:06m (259 kbps 44100 Hz)
S14 E21: Rafael Cordon on How Bitcoin Saved the Elections in Guatemala with OpenTimeStamps


Bitcoin has recently fixed the presidential elections in Guatemala. How so? Rafael Cordon of Simple Proof is here to explain all about the power of OpenTimeStamps and how they can leverage the Bitcoin blockchain to prove that something really happened.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 126 MB - Duration: 1:04:33m (260 kbps 44100 Hz)
S14 E20: Lea Petrasova on Vexl & Why P2P Bitcoin Exchanges Matter


Lea Petrasova is the president of the Vexl Foundation, one of the project's co-founders, and certainly one of the most ardent supporters of exchanging bitcoin in a peer to peer fashion. In this episode, she explains why you should consider using Vexl.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 64.08 MB - Duration: 46:40m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)
S14 E19: Martin and Igor on Firefish, a Bitcoin-Backed Lending Platform


Firefish enables people to borrow fiat money against their bitcoins in a trust-minimized way, using a multisig setup with oracles. Martin and Igor, the two FireFish co-founders, talk about how and why you should be using their service.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 58.13 MB - Duration: 42:20m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)

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