Bitcoin Takeover Radio #2: More Music, More Podcasts

After a successful launch, it’s time to get better. Some of you have asked me to add more music in between podcast episodes and I’ve done just that. Also, the number of music artists and podcasters has expanded – and this broadcast is 19 hours long!

And as opposed to last week’s stream, this time around we begin with one hour of uninterrupted music. Then we kickoff with an exclusive episode of the Bitcoin Takeover Podcast (S8 E10 featuring SeedSigner, which you can’t hear anywhere else yet) and afterwards have even more music and podcasts.

Jane is definitely ready to learn more about Bitcoin and you should too. If you’d like to learn more about how this YouTube radio concept works, then read this article. Also, don’t forget to sign up to the newsletter to receive the latest news.

Special thanks to Vaultoro and BitBox02 for sponsoring my work and also for being so bullish about Bitcoin community projects in general. Sign up to Vaultoro to trade between hard money (bitcoin, gold and silver) and use my BitBox02 referral link to get 5% off your purchase. Obviously, not financial or security advice – you take full responsibility for your own actions.

Just like last week, you can withdraw some bits via Lightning Network at the end of every episode. Wanna know how? Keep on listening.

Credits for the music getting played in Bitcoin Takeover Radio #2 (in order of appearance):

  1. “End the Fed” by Phil Gibson (aka Mr. Pseu, whom you can follow on Twitter)
  2. “Always Learning (About Bitcoin)” by Vlad Costea (Soundcloud download link)
  3. “Bitcoin Song” by Pat Ryan Music (YouTube original)
  4. “Bitdrops” by Czino (Soundcloud)
  5. “Bitcoin Bounce” by Vlad Costea (Soundcloud)
  6. “Love You Like a Bitcoin by Kryp Tina (YouTube)
  7. “Bitcoin Song” by CryptoContagion (YouTube)
  8. “Stacking Sats (Jack Mallers)” by PlebMusic (YouTube)
  9. “Can’t Wait for Payday” by Vlad Costea, remixed by Richard
  10. “Capital City” by Czino (from the CTDL Game)
  11. “Bitcoin Takeover Podcast Theme” by Lord Snooty of Bitcoin (Twitter)
  12. “To the Moon” by Vlad Costea (Soundcloud)
  13. “Banksters Paradise” by Renegade Investor (YouTube)
  14. “Bulls vs Bears” by Vlad Costea (Soundcloud)
  15. “Holding” by Zhou Tonged (YouTube)
  16. “Ode to Satoshi” by Johnny Barrett (YouTube)
  17. “New Technology (Keiser vs Schiff)” by Plebmusic
  18. “A Bullish Man” by Guywithafork (Soundcloud)
  19. “Moon Lambo Dreams” by Vlad Costea (Soundcloud)
  20. “Wasabi Wallet Song” by Vlad Costea (YouTube)
  21. “Orionwl” by Vlad Costea (Soundcloud)
  22. “Sick Beat” by Vlad Costea (Soundcloud)

Podcasts getting played in Bitcoin Takeover Radio #2:

  1. Bitcoin Takeover S8 E10, featuring SeedSigner (exclusive episode, you won’t hear it anywhere else for a few days)
  2. Karo Zagorus‘ “Bitcoin Rehab”, featuring Spacebull (MVDEX) (more details)
  3. Coinicarus’ “Fun with Bitcoin” S4 E1, featuring Pirate Beachbum (more details)
  4. Valeriya Georgieva’s “Shoes in Bitcoin”, featuring Giacomo Zucco (more details)
  5. Fulmo’s PotzBlitz (Weekly Lightning Talk #9), featuring Christian Rootzoll and Openoms (more details)
  6. DeFBeD‘s Talking in Bits, Episode 20 (more details)
  7. Car Gonzalez’ “Thriller Insider” S4 E13, Bitcoin Enters the Geopolitical Stage (more details)
  8. Guy Swann, Monetary Revolutions with Preston Pysh (more details)
  9. Wasabi Wallet Podcast, “Privacy Guarantees of Bitcoin Lightning Network” with Istvan Seres (more details)

Listen to last week’s stream:

Are you a podcaster or musician from the Bitcoin space? Would you like to have your work featured in Bitcoin Takeover Radio? Send me an e-mail and if I like your work then I’m going to feature it for free.

Vlad Costea

I'm here for the freedom, censorship-resistance, and unconfiscatability. What about you?

One Comment

  1. Jon Reply

    “Freedom censorship resistance and unconfiscatability” love that … I’m hear for the future adults , today’s children and freedom from domination .. and Bitcoin 😎

So, what do you think?

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