Raspberry Pi

5 Razones Por Las Cuales Deberías Correr Tu Nodo De Bitcoin En Un Raspberry Pi 4

Los nodos de Bitcoin son los validadores de la red: mantienen honestos a los...

5 raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez faire tourner votre nœud Bitcoin sur un Raspberry Pi 4

Les nœuds Bitcoin sont les validateurs du réseau : ils s’assurent que les mineurs...

RaspiBlitz 1.7.1 Adds c-lightning Support

The news about RaspiBlitz adding support for Blockstream's c-lightning implementation first broke in early...

S9 E5: Matt Hill on the Philosophy of Sovereignty

Today, sovereignty is more important than ever. As the internet centralizes around a handful...

5 Reasons You Should Run Your Bitcoin Node on a Raspberry Pi 4

Bitcoin nodes are the network's validators: they keep miners honest and they also allow...

S8 E10: SeedSigner on DIY Hardware Wallets

Mr. SeedSigner, a pseudonymous bitcoiner who insists to be known by the name of...

12 Days of #BTChristmas, Ep. 1: Raspberry Pi 400

While I was peacefully reading the first issue of Citadel 21 (which I unboxed...

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