1 BTC = | 98479.9200 USD |
1 BTC = | 98581.9500 USDT |
1 BTC = | 94794.1400 EUR |
1 BTC = | 78489.6600 GBP |
1 BTC = | 158259.8100 AUD |
1 BTC = | 141961.7500 CAD |
1 BTC = | 15518816.5600 JPY |
1 BTC = | 38800.0000 CNY |
1 BTC = | 475320.0000 RON |
The following people have supported the Bitcoin Takeover project with recurring donations on Patreon or simple one-time Bitcoin transactions. Therefore, they’ve earned their right to get featured in this list.Thanks to their financial contributions, the annual domain renewal and hosting costs get covered.
Jed Powers, First Class Citizen of the Lightning Network. Follow Jed on Twitter and open a Lightning channel with him: 0256c133d4bc7c0ad9f104855a568718ebf200a0cb35576cf670ab8dcd3999292a@gnnoydrsq5xkeyrruixishubkdczi4767e3bnt6sg3cfqfrhb7vcfmid.onion:9735
If you have also sent a donation outside of Patreon (via BTC addresses or Lightning) and would like to have your contribution mentioned here, please e-mail me and demand your right to be acknowledged on this list.
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