Wasabi Wallet

S15 E23: John Carvalho on Lightning, Synonym & Bitcoin

Before becoming the CEO and co-founder of Synonym, John Carvalho was one of the...

S15 E19: Alexei Zamyatin on Build on Bitcoin & Layer 2s

Alexei Zamyatin is a (recovering) academic cryptographer who co-founded the Build on Bitcoin project...

S15 E6: John Light, Super Testnet & Alexei Zamyatin on Improving Bitcoin

Bitcoin is still a young project that's bound for disruption. While the money layer...

S15 E3: Hernán Marino on Bitcoin in Argentina & Becoming a Core Dev

Hernán Marino is a software engineer, academic, and Bitcoin enthusiast from Argentina. In this...

S15 E1: Max Hillebrand & Lando Rothbardian on Wasabi’s New “Buy Anything” Button

With the launch of version 2.0.5, Wasabi wallet now includes a "Buy Anything" button....

Preview: Bitcoin Takeover Podcast Season 15

Season 15 of the Bitcoin Takeover podcast marks two significant milestones: the 5th anniversary...

S14 E8: Fadi Barbàra on DMix & Bitcoin Privacy

Fadi Barbàra is a cryptography researcher from the University of Turin who came up...

S14 E6: Mike in Space on STAMPs and Attacking Bitcoin

Mike in Space's journey into the world of Bitcoin began with his popular show...

10 Reasons You Should Run Your Own Bitcoin Full Node

In Bitcoin, you're not a first class citizen of the network until you run...

S13 E3: Casey Rodarmor on Ordinals, Inscriptions & Bitcoin Culture

Ordinal inscriptions are all the rage. They obsoleted the concept of NFTs by offering...

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